Local Tax-free shopping Rules

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Dirham (AED)

united arab emirate coinunited arab emirate coinMinimum Spend


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Time limit to get export validation

90 days from the date of export

Time limit to claim refund

12months from the date of export validation

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Eligibility for VAT refunds

Maecenas lacinia lacus in viverra gravida. Vestibulum ut mi in nisi laoreet viverra eu ultricies ante. Cras mollis ex neque, non pharetra ex ultricies auctor. Integer id dapibus orci, id volutpat diam. Sed ac dolor sed nibh pellentesque malesuada nec et ligula. Sed in varius mauris, tincidunt auctor felis. Nunc euismod vel augue at accumsan. Nullam condimentum elit nisi, venenatis hendrerit nisi lobortis eget. In cursus pulvinar eleifend. Nulla tincidunt, dolor id facilisis porta, turpis dolor aliquet neque, in malesuada felis sem non dolor. Ut semper, purus nec mattis sodales, nisl nulla posuere eros, at dignissim nisl enim quis arcu. Nunc suscipit, leo a vehicula faucibus, ex diam porta arcu, ut euismod risus ante id arcu.

Vestibulum fermentum venenatis gravida. Etiam nibh eros, pretium sit amet diam ut, tempus congue dolor. Donec laoreet interdum dui, nec suscipit ipsum pulvinar nec. In id risus in justo dictum condimentum. Sed et ullamcorper nisi. Mauris ultricies sapien id elit luctus bibendum. Nam pharetra, dolor et volutpat congue, sapien metus blandit nulla, ut tincidunt est risus sed enim. In pharetra justo eros, et ultrices leo suscipit porta. Phasellus sed nisi at erat aliquet sagittis. Vestibulum aliquam massa a eros pulvinar, quis varius orci elementum. Praesent tincidunt dolor mi, et faucibus sem fringilla at. Nulla facilisi. Curabitur accumsan iaculis odio, ut molestie eros lobortis vitae.

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Additional Information

Location of the validation points

At all the Civil Airports, Seaports and Land Borders in the UAE. Just follow the signs for Tax Free refunds before approaching the immigration counters, and our staff will assist you.

What goods are eligible for tax refund

All goods that have vat are eligible for tax refunds except:
1. Goods that have been consumed, fully or partly, in the UAE or any;
2. Motor vehicles, boats and aircrafts;
3. Goods that are overseas tourist at the time of leaving the UAE

What’s required at the time of export validation

At all the Civil Airports, Seaports and Land Borders in the UAE. Just follow the signs for Tax Free refunds before approaching the immigration counters, and our staff will assist you.

Refund options

1. Cash (there is a limit of 7,000AED for cash refunds)
2. Credut Card (Visa, Mastercard, Amex, UnionPay)
3. Digital Wallet (WeChat Pay)

Refund Amount and Fees

You will receive 85% of the tax paid, minus a feed of 4.80AED per Tax Free validated.


Please leave enough time for the export validation processes before your flight departs.